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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


Breaking Changes

Receipt Status

The receiptInfo Status will now be be an unsigned integer instead of boolean value to comply with the specification.


    .on('receipt', receipt => {
        console.log(receipt.status); // true | false


    .on('receipt', receipt => {
        console.log(receipt.status); // BigInt(0) | BigInt(1)

NOTE: The unsigned integer type is dependent on the data format you specified. Default type is bigint.

Deploy ’sending’ and sent event will fire only the params

In 1.x when following was executed deploy().send().on(‘sending’, payload => {}). The payload was the complete the JSON-RPC Payload. In 4.x it will just be the transaction which is about to be transmitted. Earlier it was accessible by from payload.params[0], now will be available directly to event handler.


    .on('send', payload => {
        // {id: <1>, jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'eth_sendTransaction', params: [txObject] }


    .on('send', txObject => {
        // {id: <>, gas: <>,...}

Deploy ’confirmations’ handler will be invoked with object

In 1.x, the confirmations handler was invoked with multiple parameters. But in 4.x there will be one parameter as object but with all the same properties.


myContract .send().on(‘confirmation’, (confirmations: number, receipt: object, latestBlockHash: string) => {})`


myContract .send().on(‘confirmation’, ({confirmations: bigint, receipt: object, latestBlockHash: string}) => {})`

Strict validation for encodeABI

encodeABI now have strict validation for the ABI types. It's not limited to mentioned use cases below , but applied in general. Some use cases are:

  • Earlier a byte32 ABI type was successfully encoded even providing less bytes as input. Now it will throw error.
  • Earlier a byte32 ABI type was successfully encoded even with an empty bytes. Now it will throw error.

Different error message for creating object without new keyword

The error message will be different if you try to create a contract object without a new keyword.


Please use the "new" keyword to instantiate a web3.eth.Contract() object!


Class constructor ContractBuilder cannot be invoked without 'new'

No warning message when toBlock passed to event subscription

In 1.x if you pass the toBlock as event options you would get a warning message.

Invalid option: toBlock. Use getPastEvents for specific range.

In 4.x you will not get any warning. But toBlock still have no effect.

The contract send method will now resolve with the receipt object

In 1.x the contract .send method was always resolved with transactionHash. That enforces user to make an extra call to get any further information. In 4.x the .send function will resolve with receipt object.


const transactionHash = await myContract.method.MyMethod().send();


const receipt = await myContract.method.MyMethod().send();
const transactionHash = receipt.transactionHash;



  • Decoding error data, using Error ABI if available, according to EIP-838. (#5434)
  • The class Web3ContractError is moved from this package to web3-error. (#5434)


  • According to the latest change in web3-eth-abi, the decoded values of the large numbers, returned from function calls or events, are now available as BigInt. (#5435)



  • Decoding error data, using Error ABI if available, if error was returned from a smart contract function call (#5662).
  • SpecialOutput type was added as a generic type into the call function to support reassigning output types (#5631)
  • Overloaded functions types (ContractOverloadedMethodInputs, ContractOverloadedMethodOutputs) was added (#5631)


  • Emit past contract events based on fromBlock when passed to (#5201)
  • Use different types for ContractOptions -> jsonInterface setter and getter (#5474)
  • An issue within the Contract constructor where provider wasn't being set when provided within the optionsOrContextOrReturnFormat argument (#5669)



  • Updated dependencies (#5725)



  • tsc compiled files moved to lib/ directory from dist/ (#5739)



  • web3.js dependencies (#5757)



  • Fix contract defaults (#5756)


  • Update imports statements for objects that was moved between web3 packages (#5771)


  • Added functionality of createAccessList for contracts ( #5780 )
  • Added support of safe and finalized block tags (#5823)